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How to modify the invoicing limit of golden tax tray ordinary invoice

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How to modify the invoicing limit of golden tax tray ordinary invoice


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:48

    The invoicing limit of golden tax tray ordinary invoice cannot be changed by yourself. If you want to increase the invoicing limit due to business needs, you can apply to the tax bureau for change. For small-scale taxpayers to apply for adjusting the purchase quantity and the maximum invoicing limit of VAT ordinary invoices, they should first apply for the verification of taxpayer invoice types, and then go to the issuance post of the tax authority with the tax control panel or golden tax panel for authorized adjustment. Each invoice has a limit, which is set by the National Taxation Bureau for you. The amount of each invoice cannot be greater than the limit of a single invoice. This is the setting of the tax control anti-counterfeiting system. Just connect the tax control system to the Internet, and the tax control system will automatically upload the invoiced information. After the upload is successful, the invoicing system will return to normal. According to the revised Provisions on the Use of VAT Special Invoices, special invoices are subject to the management of the maximum invoicing limit. The maximum invoicing limit refers to the upper limit that the total amount of sales issued by a single special invoice cannot reach. The maximum invoicing limit shall be applied for by general taxpayers and approved by tax authorities according to law. If the maximum invoice limit is 100000 yuan or less, it shall be examined and approved by the district and county tax authorities. If the maximum invoicing limit is one million yuan, it shall be examined and approved by the local and municipal tax authorities; If the maximum invoicing limit is 10 million yuan or more, it shall be examined and approved by the provincial tax authorities. The specific issuance of the anti-counterfeiting tax control system shall be in the charge of the district and county tax authorities. The tax authority shall carry out on-site verification when approving the maximum invoicing limit. If the maximum invoicing limit approved for use is 100000 yuan or less, the tax authorities at the district and county levels shall send people to check on the spot. If the maximum invoice limit approved for use is one million yuan, the tax authorities at the prefecture and municipal levels shall send people to check on the spot; If the maximum invoicing limit is 10 million yuan or more, the local and municipal tax authorities will send people to check on the spot and then report the verification data to the provincial tax authorities for review. When general taxpayers apply for the maximum invoicing limit, they need to fill in the Application Form for Maximum Invoicing Limit. Then let's extend this issue to the following: matters related to the first application for VAT invoices are as follows: for new taxpayers who meet the following conditions at the same time, the competent tax authority should complete the application within 2 working days from the date of accepting the application, and the competent tax authority should complete the application on the same day if conditions permit: 1. Taxpayers' tax personnel The legal representative has collected and verified the real name information (the scope of taxpayers who need to collect and verify the real name information of the legal representative is determined by the provincial tax authorities); 2. Taxpayers need to issue VAT invoices and apply for invoices on their own initiative; 3. Taxpayers shall handle the issuance of tax control equipment and other matters in accordance with regulations. The first application of VAT invoices by new taxpayers mainly includes verification of invoice types, approval of the maximum invoicing limit of VAT special invoices (VAT tax control system), initial issuance of special equipment for VAT tax control system, invoice collection and other tax related matters. The tax authority shall verify the types of invoices for new taxpayers who apply for VAT invoices for the first time in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of this Proclamation. The maximum amount of VAT invoices issued shall not exceed 100000 yuan, and the maximum amount of VAT invoices received per month shall not exceed 25 copies. The maximum invoicing limit of VAT ordinary invoices shall not exceed 100000 yuan, and the maximum number of receipts per month shall not exceed 50. Within this scope, the provincial tax authorities may, in combination with the tax risk of taxpayers, determine the verification criteria for the types of VAT invoices that new taxpayers apply for for the first time. The provincial tax authorities should further clarify the processing time limit, processing methods and processing procedures for new taxpayers to apply for VAT invoices for the first time according to the actual situation of the region, try their best to realize online purchase of tax control equipment, and do a good job in the publicity and interpretation of policies related to shortening the issuing time for new taxpayers to apply for VAT invoices for the first time, so as to ensure that qualified new taxpayers are timely Collect VAT invoices smoothly.

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