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Can the sale of resettlement housing be notarized

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Can the sale of resettlement housing be notarized


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  • 2024-06-17 02:00:49

    Generally, the sale of resettlement houses can be notarized. The buyer and seller of the resettlement house can decide whether to notarize according to their own actual conditions. Bring your ID card, property ownership certificate related to the house, agreement and other materials to the notary office in person to apply and fill in the notary application form. The notary will check the materials and information submitted by the party concerned and make a record. After completing the notary record, the party concerned needs to sign for confirmation, and also sign on the agreement for confirmation. Finally, we have to wait for the notarial certificate to be issued. According to the relevant laws and regulations, if the notary office, upon examination, believes that the certification materials provided in the application are true, legal and sufficient, and the matters applied for notarization are true and legal, it shall issue a notarial certificate to the party concerned within 15 working days from the date of accepting the notarial application. However, in case of force majeure, supplementary evidentiary materials or the need to verify relevant information, the time required shall not be included in the time limit.

    Legal basis

    Article 30 of the Notarization Law of the People's Republic of China, if a notary office, after examination, believes that the certification materials provided in the application are true, lawful and sufficient, and that the matters applied for notarization are true and lawful, it shall issue a notarial certificate to the party concerned within 15 working days from the date of accepting the application for notarization. However, in case of force majeure, supplementary evidentiary materials or the need to verify relevant information, the time required shall not be included in the time limit.

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