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What are the differences between a will and a property division agreement

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What are the differences between a will and a property division agreement


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  • 2024-06-26 19:00:56

    1. A will is a unilateral legal act, and the agreement on the division of property takes effect only after all persons with civil capacity in a family sign the agreement.
    2. Disposition by will is personal property, and the disposal of others' property is invalid. While the property division agreement deals with both personal property and common property, after the agreement comes into force, the behavior of disposing of property is completed, and the parties can not renege.
    3. Wills take many forms, and the property division agreement is mainly in written form.
    4. After a will is made, it can be revoked and changed. After the property division agreement is signed and becomes effective, it cannot be revoked and changed unless the signatories reach an agreement through consultation.
    In Article 16 of the Inheritance Law, a citizen may, by making a will, designate one or more legal heirs to inherit his personal property.


    2024-06-26 19:00:56

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