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How to punish the driver who does not follow the guidance

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How to punish the driver who does not follow the guidance


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  • 2024-06-09 19:00:02

    If the driver fails to follow the guidance, 3 points will be scored, and a warning or fine of more than 20 yuan and less than 200 yuan will be given. When passing an intersection with a guide lane, you should change lanes in advance according to the guide signs. There are three kinds of illegal behaviors when driving without following the guidance lane. One is to borrow the left turning lane when going straight; The second is to borrow the straight lane when turning left; Third, turn right at will in the left turn and straight lane.
    Legal basis: Article 90 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, if a motor vehicle driver violates the road traffic safety laws and regulations on road passage, he shall be given a warning or fined between 20 yuan and 200 yuan. If this Law provides otherwise, punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions. Article 87 The traffic control department of the public security organ and its traffic police shall correct the road traffic safety violations in a timely manner. The traffic management department of the public security organ and its traffic police shall, in accordance with the facts and the relevant provisions of this Law, punish the illegal acts of road traffic safety. If the circumstances are minor and do not affect road traffic, the violator shall point out the illegal act and give an oral warning before release.


    2024-06-09 19:00:02

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