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How to Protect the Rights of Villagers Who Occupy Private Land

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How to Protect the Rights of Villagers Who Occupy Private Land


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  • 2024-06-06 22:00:49

    When a village bully occupies private land, the obligee can protect his rights through the following ways:

    1. Negotiate with the direct infringer to stop the infringement;

    2. Find the local village committee and local police station for mediation;

    3. Collect evidence of infringement, and then go to the court to sue for stopping infringement and removing obstacles.

    Prosecution process:

    1. The plaintiff submits the complaint, copy and relevant evidence to the people's court;

    2. The people's court accepts the documents and materials submitted by the plaintiff, reviews them, and places the case on file if they meet the conditions;

    3. The court served a copy of the plaintiff's indictment on the defendant;

    4. The defendant makes a written defense;

    5. Hearing;

    6. The court made a judgment.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 14 of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China states that disputes over land ownership and use right shall be settled by the parties concerned through consultation; If consultation fails, the people's government shall handle the matter.

    Disputes between units shall be handled by the people's governments at or above the county level; Disputes between individuals or between individuals and units shall be handled by people's governments at the township level or above the county level.

    If a party refuses to accept the decision of the relevant people's government, he may bring a suit in a people's court within 30 days of receiving the notification of the decision.

    Before the dispute over land ownership and use right is settled, neither party shall change the current situation of land use.

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