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How to calculate the number of people who should attend the party meeting

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How to calculate the number of people who should attend the party meeting


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  • 2024-06-09 17:01:43

    The number of party members who should be present at the party assembly is the number of party members who are affiliated with this branch. According to the law, the topics of the Party branch general meeting should be fully discussed before they are submitted for voting. The voting can be carried out only when more than half of the party members with voting rights are present at the meeting, and if the number of affirmative votes exceeds half of the party members with voting rights who should be present at the meeting, it shall be passed.
    Legal basis
    Article 11 of the Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party Branch of China, the party branch's general meeting is the decision-making body of the party branch, which is attended by all party members and is generally held once a quarter. The functions and powers of the Party branch party assembly are: to listen to and review the work report of the Party branch committee; Carry out the election of the Party branch in accordance with the provisions, recommend candidates for representatives to attend the party congress at the higher level, and elect representatives to attend the party congress at the higher level; To discuss and vote on the acceptance of probationary Party members and the confirmation of probationary Party members, the extension of the probationary period or the disqualification of probationary Party members; Discuss and decide on the commendation, organizational treatment and disciplinary punishment of Party members; Decide on other important matters. Important matters of the village and community, as well as matters closely related to the interests of the masses, must be discussed at the Party branch party meeting. The topics of the Party branch general meeting shall be fully discussed before they are submitted for voting. The voting can be carried out only when more than half of the party members with voting rights are present at the meeting, and if the number of affirmative votes exceeds half of the party members with voting rights who should be present at the meeting, it shall be passed.

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