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If the mobile phone card is in arrears and has not paid, will it be blacklisted? Will it affect future loans?

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If the mobile phone card is in arrears and has not paid, will it be blacklisted? Will it affect future loans?


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  • 2024-06-13 17:00:57

    If the mobile phone card is in arrears and has not paid, will it be blacklisted? Will it affect future loans?
    If the mobile phone card is in arrears and has not paid, will it be blacklisted? Will it affect future loans? If the mobile phone card is not paid in arrears, it will be blacklisted by the communication operator. If it is not a real name mobile phone card, it will not affect. However, if the mobile phone card purchased under the real name system is in arrears, please pay the phone bill in time. If not, please take your ID card and SIM card to the business hall for card cancellation. Because if the user has malicious arrears information in each communication operator, it will be recorded in the personal credit record. Once there is a bad credit record, it will affect the handling of credit cards and loans in the future. If you have inquired about personal credit records, you will know that the public records in personal credit records will record the tax arrears records, civil judgment records, compulsory execution records, administrative punishment records and telecommunications arrears records in the last five years. The telecom arrears record refers to the malicious arrears record of the mobile phone number. Do you understand this explanation?

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