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How to separate individual accounts?

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How to separate individual accounts?


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  • 2024-06-14 17:00:01

    How to separate individual accounts? Certain conditions are required to separate individual accounts. First, your family and you should reach a household separation agreement; Second, go to the local police station to handle the procedures of household separation with the household separation agreement; Third, only the cost of the account book is required. According to Article 5 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration, "Household registration shall be based on each household. Those who live in the same place with the person in charge shall be established as one household, and the person in charge shall be the head of the household. Those who live alone shall establish their own household, and the person in charge shall be the head of the household. Those who live in institutions, organizations, schools, enterprises, institutions and public dormitories shall establish one household or separate households." The head of household shall be responsible for reporting the provisions of household registration in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. A woman can move into her husband's household through marriage, provided that she is in the same city. If men want to separate their hukou, they must have independent housing.
    So what should we pay attention to in the procedures of household registration migration (moving out and moving in)? According to the regulations on the management of ID cards, the name of the ID card can only be the "name" of the account, and other names such as "former name" cannot be made. Therefore, students must carefully check when handling the procedures for the transfer of the account; The ID card is made on the basis of my household registration, so the content of the residence transfer certificate must be the same as that of my student registration information, so as to avoid inconvenience to your study and life at school. The student's name, age and other household registration contents are generally unchanged without special circumstances during school.
    If a new student is admitted, the procedures for handling the household registration are as follows: with the admission notice and my household registration book, go to the local police station where the household registration is located to handle the migration procedures. After the police station has verified that it is qualified, the household registration migration certificate will be issued. All contents in the migration card must be filled in, no blank items are allowed, and the ID card number is complete. When new students report to the university, they shall submit the admission notice to the enrollment authority of the university, go through the admission procedures, and submit the residence transfer certificate to the school's residence management authority. After the content of the transfer certificate is qualified, the school's residence management unit shall handle the admission procedures uniformly. 3. Graduates' residence registration: the residence registration transfer procedures shall be handled according to the address of the unit on the dispatch certificate issued by the student dispatch unit. When registering for a new post (unit), the registration formalities can be handled only after the residence transfer certificate and relevant certificates are submitted to the local residence administration authority where the registration unit is located. To go through the formalities of dropping out of school and returning to the original residence: with the school's dropping out documents, I will go through the formalities of transferring my residence at the local police station where the student's residence is located. To handle the formalities of returning the student's registered permanent residence to their original residence: with the original and photocopy of the certificate of dropout or completion, the student's registered permanent residence will be transferred to the local police station where the student's registered permanent residence is located.


    2024-06-14 17:00:01

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