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What are the slogans of campus anti violence law propaganda?

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What are the slogans of campus anti violence law propaganda?


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  • 2024-06-13 16:00:56

    What are the slogans of campus anti violence law propaganda?
    What are the slogans of campus anti violence law propaganda? 1. Maintain your safety and create a harmonious campus. 2. A word of civilized language adds a ray of campus spring breeze. 3. Pay attention to safety when learning hard; If you study hard in a cold window, you should talk about civilization. 4. Build a harmonious campus together and help each other show love. 5. You and I are a small step in civilization, and campus civilization is a big step. 6. Safety and civilization go hand in hand, health and beauty go hand in hand. 7. Teachers are our hard to find confidants, and campus is our warm home. 8. Health - compose the road of life; Safety - sing the song of life; Civilization - light the window of the soul. 9. Harmonious campus, we build together; Safe campus, you and I share. 10. What I pick up is a piece of paper scraps, and what is pure is my spirit; Intentionally wipe away a stain, purify your own soul. 11. Sincere and true love is presented, and friendship from top to bottom creates the future. 12. Birds fly freely because of their wings, flowers are beautiful because of their fragrance, and the campus will be more advanced because of civilization. 13. Let health accompany us, let understanding accompany us; Let cleverness embrace us and loveliness depend on us. Do you understand this explanation?

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