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What are the seven responsibilities

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What are the seven responsibilities


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  • 2024-06-18 17:00:48

    "The seven responsibilities include the seven responsibilities of the main person in charge:

    1、 Establish and improve the safety production responsibility system of the unit.

    2、 Organize the formulation of safety production rules and regulations and operating procedures of the unit.

    3、 Ensure the effective implementation of the safety production input of the unit.

    4、 Urge and inspect the work safety of the unit, and eliminate the hidden dangers of production safety accidents in time.

    5、 Organize to formulate and implement the emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents of the unit.

    6、 Timely and truthfully report production safety accidents.

    7、 Organize the formulation and implementation of the safety production education and training plan of the unit.

    Implement the safety production policies, regulations and standards, review and issue the safety production management system, safety production education and training system and operating procedures of the unit, propose the safety production objectives of the unit and organize their implementation, hold meetings regularly or irregularly to study and deploy safety production work. "

    Legal basis

    Article 5 of the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the main person in charge of the production and business operation entity is the first person responsible for the production safety of the entity, and is fully responsible for the production safety of the entity. Other responsible persons shall be responsible for the work safety within their scope of responsibility.


    2024-06-18 17:00:48

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