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What kind of contract is invalid

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What kind of contract is invalid


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  • 2024-06-18 19:00:57

    "An invalid contract is a contract that has not been legally binding or protected by law since its conclusion.

    According to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code of our country, a contract shall be determined as invalid in any of the following circumstances:

    (1) Malicious collusion harms the interests of the state, the collective or a third party;

    (2) Damage to social and public interests;

    (3) Violating public order and good customs;

    (4) Violating the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations.

    An invalid or revoked civil juristic act is not legally binding from the beginning. If a part of a civil juristic act is invalid and does not affect the validity of the other parts, the other parts are still valid. "

    Legal basis

    Article 153 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Effect of civil legal acts violating mandatory provisions and public order and good customs] Civil legal acts violating mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations are invalid. However, the exception is that the mandatory provisions do not invalidate the civil juristic act.
    Civil juristic acts violating public order and good customs are invalid.

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