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How long has the property fee been overdue? The court will not accept it

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How long has the property fee been overdue? The court will not accept it


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Favorable reply
  • 2024-06-06 23:01:41

    No matter how many years have passed, the court will accept the case of arrears of property fees as long as it meets the prosecution conditions.

    The people's court shall safeguard the litigants' right to sue in accordance with the law. Actions that comply with Article 122 of the Civil Procedure Law must be accepted. If the conditions for prosecution are met, the case shall be filed within seven days and the parties shall be notified; If the conditions for prosecution are not met, a written order shall be made within seven days and the case shall not be accepted; If the plaintiff is not satisfied with the ruling, he may file an appeal.

    Article 122 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates that a lawsuit must meet the following conditions:

    (1) The plaintiff is a citizen, legal person or other organization that has a direct interest in the case;

    (2) There are definite defendants;

    (3) There are specific claims, facts and reasons;

    (4) It falls within the scope of civil litigation accepted by the people's court and under the jurisdiction of the people's court to which the lawsuit is filed.

    The owner shall pay the property fee to the property service provider as agreed. If the property service provider has provided services in accordance with the agreement and relevant regulations, the owner shall not refuse to pay the property fee on the ground of not accepting or not needing to accept the relevant property services.

    If the owner violates the agreement and fails to pay the property fee within the time limit, the property service provider can urge him to pay within a reasonable period; If the property service provider still fails to make the payment upon the expiration of a reasonable period of time, the property service provider may bring a lawsuit or apply for arbitration.

    The property service provider shall not urge the payment of property fees by stopping power supply, water supply, heat supply, gas supply, etc.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 126 of the Civil Procedure Law, the people's court shall safeguard the litigants' right to sue in accordance with the law. A lawsuit filed in accordance with Article 122 of this Law must be accepted. If the conditions for prosecution are met, the case shall be filed within seven days and the parties shall be notified; If the conditions for prosecution are not met, a written order shall be made within seven days and the case shall not be accepted; If the plaintiff is not satisfied with the ruling, he may file an appeal.


    2024-06-06 23:01:41

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