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What about the money in the social security card after cancellation

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What about the money in the social security card after cancellation


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  • 2024-06-16 12:01:43

    What about the money in the social security card after cancellation? When the social security card is cancelled, the social security fee paid previously will be automatically saved in the individual medical insurance account, and will be paid later, and will continue to accumulate. The social security card is a special card for medical insurance personal account. It uses the personal ID card as the identification code to store and record the personal ID card number, account fund allocation, consumption and other details. After the insured unit has paid the fees, the local department entrusts the bank to transfer the part of the individual account fund to the insured employee's personal social security card at the end of the month.

    Legal basis

    Article 3 of the Overall Plan for Loading Financial Functions of Social Security Cards is completed in two steps. The cardholder first goes to the Human Resources and Social Security Department to complete the cancellation of the social security application, and then goes to the cooperative bank to complete the cancellation of the financial application with the account clearing notice issued by the Human Resources and Social Security Department. The cooperative bank will recycle the card and complete the whole card cancellation process. The Human Resources and Social Security Department and the cooperative bank should take measures to ensure the synchronization of card cancellation information.


    2024-06-16 12:01:43

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