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How to transfer the notarized testamentary property

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How to transfer the notarized testamentary property


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  • 2024-06-25 01:01:43

    To inherit the real estate, the "public certificate of inheritance right" issued by the notary organ, the real estate ownership certificate and the deed certificate shall be presented to the real estate administration organ to go through the registration procedures for the transfer of the real estate ownership. If it is necessary to go through the registration procedures for the transfer and change of property ownership after the notarization certificate is issued, it shall apply to the real estate administration authority within two months from the date of issuing the notarial certificate. After the death of the testator, the beneficiary of the will must go through the registration procedures for the transfer of property ownership with the real estate management authority on the basis of the "notarial certificate of testament" and "public certificate of testamentary succession" or "notarial certificate of legacy acceptance" issued by the notary office, as well as the property ownership certificate and deed certificate. The will to dispose of the house property has not been notarized. After the will takes effect, its legal successor or the beneficiary of the will can negotiate and sign the estate division agreement according to the content of the will, and go to the real estate management authority to go through the registration procedures for the transfer of the house property ownership after the notarization. If there is a dispute over the contents of the will, and no agreement on the division of the estate can be reached through consultation, a lawsuit may be brought to the people's court. The real estate administration authority shall handle the registration procedures for the transfer of property ownership according to the judgment. To handle the notarization of real estate, in addition to proving unilateral legal acts such as wills, letters of donation or power of attorney, which can be applied for at the notary office in the place where the testator, donor or client is located, other matters should be applied for at the notary office in the place where the real estate is located. If it is necessary to go through the registration procedures for the transfer and change of property ownership after the notarization certificate is issued, it shall apply to the real estate administration authority within two months from the date of issuing the notarial certificate.


    2024-06-25 01:01:43

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