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How to use two people's provident fund to buy a house together?

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How to use two people's provident fund to buy a house together?


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  • 2024-06-14 18:01:33

    How to use two people's provident fund to buy a house together? The accumulation fund of two people can provide a house. If two people apply for loans in the same provident fund management center, it is only limited to the husband and wife. If they are not legal couples, they cannot use the provident fund for the same apartment, nor can they use it between parents and children. The loan amount of two people is higher than that of one person, which is determined by the balance of their respective provident fund.
    The housing provident fund loan process includes:
    1. Users who need loans need to consult the local housing provident fund management center first, and make corresponding preparations in advance for the conditions and materials for handling housing provident fund loans;
    2. Users who meet the loan conditions specified by the local housing provident fund management center can prepare the relevant materials needed for the loan, go to the bank to formally apply for housing provident fund loan, fill in the housing provident fund loan application form, and submit the materials needed for the loan to the bank;
    3. After receiving the borrower's loan application, the bank will preliminarily review the materials provided by the borrower and the borrower's personal comprehensive situation, and submit the borrower's application materials to the local housing provident fund management center after passing the review;
    4. The Housing Provident Fund Management Center shall review the information provided by the borrower, and determine the amount and duration of loans according to the borrower's qualification and other aspects; Then notify the bank of the approval result;
    5. The bank will notify the applicant to go through the loan procedures according to the results of the examination and approval of the housing provident fund management center. The bank will sign the loan contract and other procedures, and then send the signed procedures to the provident fund center for review.
    6. After the approval of the provident fund center, the entrusted bank will release the loan fund according to the contract, and the borrower who has obtained the loan fund should keep a good repayment record.
    According to the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund
    Article 26
    When purchasing, constructing, renovating or overhauling self owned housing, employees who have paid housing provident fund can apply for housing provident fund from the Housing Provident Fund Management Center.
    The Housing Provident Fund Management Center shall, within 15 days from the date of accepting the application, make a decision on whether to grant or not to grant loans and notify the applicant; If the loan is approved, the entrusted bank shall handle the loan procedures. The above is an analysis and answer to the question of how to use two people's provident fund to buy a house together. I believe you must have a deeper understanding.


    2024-06-14 18:01:33

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