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The new rural insurance system now pays 100 yuan a year. How much will you receive each month?

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The new rural insurance system now pays 100 yuan a year. How much will you receive each month?


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  • 2024-06-14 18:01:33

    The new rural insurance system now pays 100 yuan a year. How much will you receive each month? Now the new rural endowment insurance has been implemented for many years, and the rural endowment insurance has been paid for a long time, but there are still many farmers who do not understand this. It is only known that farmers who are 60 years old can receive pension every month, but others are not very clear. The rural area pays 100 yuan of endowment insurance every year. How much can you get at the age of 60? The current regulations provide that rural residents who have reached the age of 60 and do not enjoy the basic old-age insurance for urban workers when the agricultural insurance system is implemented, do not need to pay fees, but can receive basic pension on a monthly basis, but their children who meet the insurance conditions should participate in the insurance and pay fees. That is to say, if you are not over 60 years old and do not pay rural endowment insurance later, then farmers may not receive the 70 yuan pension when they are 60 years old. So farmers still have to actively participate in rural endowment insurance. Many regions now have payment standards, and more is more. How much pension can I get after retirement if I pay 100 yuan a year? Pension=basic pension+total amount of your own account ÷ 139 total amount of your own account=your own contribution+government subsidy+interest. Assuming that you have only paid 15 years, the local government's subsidies over the years are the minimum standard of the national rules of 30 yuan, and the interest is not included temporarily: then after retirement pension=55+(100+30) x15 ÷ 139=69 yuan/month, you can get 70+(100+30) X15 ÷ 139=84 yuan/month. The rural area pays 100 yuan of endowment insurance every year. How much can 60 years old get? The rural area pays 100 yuan of endowment insurance every year. At the age of 60, 69 yuan can be received each month, and at the age of 70, 84 yuan can be received each month. Of course, in the future, the basic pension will definitely increase every year, and the interest of personal account will also be a sum of money, which will definitely be more than that when you retire. The above contents are the answers sorted out by the lawyer about the new rural insurance system, which is now paid 100 per year, and how much money can be received each month at that time. I hope it will be helpful to you.


    2024-06-14 18:01:33

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