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Steps of accepting divorce registration

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Steps of accepting divorce registration


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  • 2024-06-25 04:00:04

    Procedures for accepting applications for divorce registration by agreement:
    (1) In the preliminary examination, relevant certificates and supporting materials of the parties applying for divorce registration shall be examined; Ask the parties about their willingness to divorce and the content of the divorce agreement.
    (2) Acceptance
    1. If both parties are willing to divorce and agree on matters such as child rearing, property and debt handling, both parties shall fill in the Declaration of Application for Divorce Registration;
    2. Both husband and wife sign the divorce agreement in person; The marriage registrar acts as commissioner for oaths. Both the husband and the wife have one copy of the agreement, and the marriage registration office has one copy on file.
    (3) The examining marriage registrar shall examine the documents, divorce registration declaration and divorce agreement submitted by the parties, and fill in the Divorce Registration Examination and Treatment Form if the conditions for divorce are met.
    (4) Registration (certificate issuance) The marriage certificate of the party concerned shall be stamped with a bar seal, which shall indicate that "if both parties divorce, the certificate will become invalid. Marriage Registration Office of Fusong County Civil Affairs Bureau". The marriage certificate after cancellation shall be returned to the party concerned. Fill in the Divorce Certificate, issue the divorce certificate to both parties to the divorce, and announce to both parties that the divorce certificate will be obtained and the husband and wife relationship will be dissolved.


    2024-06-25 04:00:04

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