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Is there any difference between the pension received after the social security pension insurance is interrupted for one year and the pension received after 15 years of continuous payment

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Is there any difference between the pension received after the social security pension insurance is interrupted for one year and the pension received after 15 years of continuous payment


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  • 2024-06-14 10:00:58

    Is there any difference between the pension received after the social security pension insurance is interrupted for one year and the pension received after 15 years of continuous payment? There is no difference. As long as the pension insurance has been paid for 15 years in total, it is not necessary to pay for 15 years in succession. According to the provisions of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, Article 16: Individuals who participate in basic pension insurance and have paid contributions for 15 years in total when they reach the statutory retirement age shall receive basic pension on a monthly basis. Individuals who have participated in basic pension insurance and have paid less than 15 years of contributions accumulatively when they reach the statutory retirement age can pay up to 15 years of contributions and receive basic pension on a monthly basis; It can also be transferred to the new rural social endowment insurance or urban residents' social endowment insurance, and enjoy the corresponding pension insurance benefits according to the regulations of the State Council. Calculation of pension insurance amount: the basic pension insurance premium is jointly borne by the enterprise and individual employees: the enterprise shall pay a certain proportion of the average monthly gross wages of the employees of the enterprise in the previous year, and the individual employees shall pay a certain proportion of their average monthly wage income in the previous year (generally 8%). If urban self-employed businesses, flexible employees and laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises participate in the basic endowment insurance as individuals, they shall pay the basic endowment insurance premium at the rate of 20% based on the average social wage of the province where they are located in the previous year, and all of them shall be borne by themselves. If an individual who participates in the basic old-age insurance for employees moves across provinces for employment, the basic old-age insurance will be calculated in sections and paid in a unified way when he reaches the statutory retirement age.


    2024-06-14 10:00:58

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