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How to punish 60% overspeed?

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How to punish 60% overspeed?


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  • 2024-06-14 10:02:28

    If the speed of ordinary vehicles exceeds the specified speed by more than 50% but not more than 70% outside the expressway, a fine of 1000 yuan will be imposed, 12 points will be recorded, and the driver's license can also be revoked; If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 50% on the expressway, a fine of 2000 yuan will be imposed and 12 points will be recorded. Penalties for ordinary vehicles outside the expressway are as follows: 1. If the overspeed penalty exceeds the specified speed by 10%, no penalty will be imposed temporarily; 2. If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 10% but not more than 20%, a fine of 50 yuan will be imposed and 3 points will be recorded; 3. If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 20% but not more than 30%, a fine of 50 yuan will be imposed and 6 points will be recorded; 4. If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 20% but not more than 30%, a fine of 200 yuan will be imposed and 6 points will be recorded; 5. If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 50% but does not reach 70%, a fine of 1000 yuan will be imposed, 12 points will be recorded, and the driver's license may be concurrently revoked; 6. If the speed exceeds 70% of the specified speed, a fine of 2000 yuan will be imposed, 12 points will be recorded, and the driver's license may be revoked. If the speed limit is less than 60 km and the speed is less than 50%, a warning will be given. Penalties for ordinary vehicles on expressways are as follows: 1. Penalties for overspeed exceeding the specified speed by 10% or less will not be imposed temporarily; 2. If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 10% but not more than 20%, a fine of 200 yuan will be imposed and 3 points will be recorded; 3. If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 20% but not more than 50%, a fine of 200 yuan will be imposed and 6 points will be recorded; 4. If the speed exceeds the specified speed by more than 50%, a fine of 2000 yuan will be imposed, and 12 points will be recorded; Special vehicles such as medium-sized passenger and freight vehicles, operating vehicles, school buses, hazardous chemical vehicles, etc. shall be subject to their special provisions. Development information: Overspeed refers to the driver's driving speed exceeding the speed specified by laws and regulations. Turbine overspeed accident is a major malignant accident caused by the fault of turbine speed governing and protection system and its own defects. Since the New Year's Day of 2013, 12 points will be deducted once if the car exceeds the specified speed by 50%. On November 1, 2015, the Criminal Law Amendment (9) was officially implemented. Article 133 of the revised Amendment (9) to the Criminal Law stipulates that anyone who drives a motor vehicle on the road shall be subject to criminal detention and a fine in any of the following circumstances: 1. Chasing and racing, the circumstances being flagrant; 2. Driving a motor vehicle drunk; 3. Engaging in school bus business or passenger transportation, which seriously exceeds the rated passenger capacity or the specified speed per hour; 4. Transporting hazardous chemicals in violation of the regulations on safety management of hazardous chemicals, endangering public safety. If the owner or manager of a motor vehicle is directly responsible for the acts specified in the third or fourth paragraph of the preceding paragraph, he shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. Whoever commits the acts mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, which simultaneously constitute other crimes, shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions on heavier punishment. The Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law has added a new provision, that is, paragraph 3. If a school bus or bus is seriously overloaded or overspeed, no matter whether an accident has occurred, once it is found by the traffic police or photographed by the camera, it will constitute a crime. It is reported that the relevant national departments are investigating the extent to which "overcrowding and overspeed" is considered "serious" and will detail it.


    2024-06-14 10:02:28

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