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Sample of agreement on debt agreement between husband and wife

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Sample of agreement on debt agreement between husband and wife


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  • 2024-06-24 22:01:43

    Party A (male): xxx was born on the x day of x year, ID card number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, household registration address: xxxxxxxxxxxx.
    Party B (female): xxx was born on the x day of x year, ID card number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, household registration address: xxxxxxxxxxxx.
    Party A and Party B voluntarily registered their marriage at the zz marriage registration office in xx city on the x day of x year. Now because of... (reason), the couple's relationship is broken. Now both parties have considered carefully and are willing to dissolve the husband and wife relationship through divorce agreement. After negotiation, the following agreement is reached:
    1、 Party A and Party B divorce voluntarily.
    2、 Both parties have no children, and Party B is not pregnant now.
    3、 Property division between Party A and Party B:
    1. The list of marital property is as follows:
    (1) List of movable and immovable properties under Party A's name:
    a、 The property is located in xxxxxxxx, and the property ownership certificate number is xxxxxx (transfer time and method)
    b. One car of model xx with license plate of xxxxxxx, specific information.
    c、 Deposit: deposit in xx bank is xx yuan.
    (2) List of movable and immovable properties under Party B's name:
    a、 The property is located in xxxxxxxx, and the property ownership certificate number is xxxxxx (transfer time and method)
    b. One car of model xx with license plate of xxxxxxx, specific information.
    c、 Deposit: deposit in xx bank is xx yuan.
    (3) Property under the common name of both parties:
    a、 The property is located in xxxxxxxx, and the property ownership certificate number is xxxxxx (transfer time and method)
    b、 Other properties: Party A holds xxx shares in xxx company, and Party B holds xxx shares in xxx company.
    2. Property division method of both parties:
    a、 Party A shall pay Party B xxxx yuan in the following manner:
    1) One time payment shall be made before the xx day of xx month.
    2) It shall be paid in installments, with the down payment of RMB xxx before the xx day of xx month, and RMB xxx every (time period) thereafter. After Party A performs the above payment obligation, all the properties listed in the above list belong to Party A. If there is a need to change the registration or transfer of ownership, Party B shall cooperate with Party A to complete the relevant procedures before the xx day of xx month. Valuable articles for daily use owned by both parties shall be owned by both parties through consultation.
    The list is as follows:
    a、 Party A's valuable articles for daily use:
    b、 Party B's valuable articles for daily use:
    4、 Claims and debts of both parties:
    1. Both Party A and Party B promise that they have no external debts in their own names before marriage and during the marriage; Neither party has any external debt in the joint name of husband and wife. If, after divorce, any one of Party A and Party B is found to have external debts before marriage and during the marriage, the debtor shall bear the debts personally, and has nothing to do with the other party.
    2. After divorce, if one party's debt problems involve the other party to bear joint and several liabilities, the other party has the right to fully recover from it.
    5、 Other contents to be agreed:
    1. Party B has a complete understanding of the property status of both Party A and Party B. After divorce, Party B shall not claim compensation from Party A again or divide the property with Party A's concealment of property or any other reason.
    2. After divorce, both parties live separately, and neither party shall interfere with the normal life of the other party.
    6、 Agreement on liability for breach of contract:
    If Party A fails to pay Party B RMB xxxx before XX, XX, XX, XX, or Party B fails to deliver property and perform transfer registration and other obligations according to the agreement, it shall pay liquidated damages of RMB xxxx to the other party.
    7、 This agreement is made in triplicate (several more points are required for property transfer), one for each party, one for the marriage registration authority, and takes effect after divorce is approved by the marriage registration authority.
    first party:
    Party B:

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