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What kind of disease can be exempted from detention in the detention center

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What kind of disease can be exempted from detention in the detention center


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  • 2024-06-14 10:00:58

    What kind of disease in detention center can not be detained? Article 10 of the Measures for the Administration of Public Security Detention Centers stipulates that if a detainee is found after detention to be suffering from infectious disease, mental illness or other serious diseases, or if he is pregnant or breast-feeding his own baby, he shall notify the original adjudication authority to handle it separately. If the detainee has committed other criminal acts and decides to take criminal detention, arrest, reeducation through labor, etc., or accept a juvenile for reeducation, the detention shall be terminated on the basis of relevant documents and the exit formalities shall be handled. Article 13 of the Measures for the Administration of Public Security Detention Centers stipulates that when a detainee needs to leave the detention center due to special circumstances such as recruitment, entrance examination or childbirth of his wife, critical illness of his close relatives, funeral, etc. during the detention period, the detainee or his close relatives shall file an application, the person in charge shall issue a certificate of guarantee, leave the detention center with the approval of the original adjudication authority, and return within the specified time limit, Those who do not return within the time limit shall be treated as violating the regulations. The period of departure of the detainee shall not be included in the time of execution of detention. Article 20 of the Measures for the Administration of Public Security Detention Centers stipulates that life management, epidemic prevention and disease prevention should be done well. The sick detainee shall be treated in time; Those suffering from infectious diseases shall be isolated immediately; If a person has to go out of the hospital for treatment due to a serious disease, the guarantor may issue a letter of guarantee, and with the approval of the original adjudication organ or the competent leader of the public security organ at or above the county level, the person may be released from the hospital for treatment. The date of detention that has not yet been executed may be declared no longer to be executed. If a detainee dies during detention, the public security organ at or above the county level shall organize a forensic physician or doctor to make a legally effective death appraisal, which shall be examined by the people's procuratorate at the same level, reported to the public security organ at the higher level and the people's procuratorate at the same level for the record, and notify the detainee's family members. If there is no family member or the family member does not come, the public security detention center shall be responsible for taking photos and cremation, and the ashes shall be kept for one year before disposal.


    2024-06-14 10:00:58

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