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Is it illegal for a motor vehicle to drive on the sidewalk?

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Is it illegal for a motor vehicle to drive on the sidewalk?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:46

    Is it illegal for a motor vehicle to drive on the sidewalk?
    Is it illegal for a motor vehicle to drive on the sidewalk? If it is a violation of regulations, it shall be given a warning or fined between 20 yuan and 200 yuan. The specific basis is as follows: Article 90 of the Road Traffic Safety Law stipulates that motor vehicle drivers who violate the road traffic safety laws and regulations on road passage shall be given a warning or fined between 20 yuan and 200 yuan. If this Law provides otherwise, punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions. Penalty standard for motor vehicles walking on the sidewalk: fine 500-2000 yuan, 6 points deducted. Development information: according to the provisions of relevant traffic laws and regulations, vehicles passing the crosswalk that do not slow down will be fined 150 yuan, and 2 points will be recorded; If a pedestrian fails to stop and yield when passing the crosswalk, 150 yuan will be fined and 2 points will be recorded; If a pedestrian fails to give way when crossing a road without traffic signal, 150 yuan will be fined and 2 points will be recorded. Deduct 6 points for a fine of 500-2000 yuan for motor vehicles walking on the sidewalk. According to Article 36 of the Road Traffic Safety Law, if the road is divided into motor vehicle lanes, non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks according to the road conditions and traffic needs, motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians shall be separated. Where there is no division of motor vehicle lanes, non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks, motor vehicles shall pass in the middle of the road, and non motor vehicles and pedestrians shall pass on both sides of the road. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 07:01:46

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