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How long will divorce be judged after domestic violence and infidelity

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How long will divorce be judged after domestic violence and infidelity


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  • 2024-06-19 05:01:43

    If a divorce case is tried through summary procedure, it shall be concluded within three months from the date of filing. A case to be tried under the ordinary procedure shall be concluded within six months from the date of filing. If the extension is necessary under special circumstances, it may be extended for six months with the approval of the president of the court; If the extension is still needed, it shall be reported to the people's court at a higher level for approval. According to the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (revised in 2012): Article 123 The people's court shall protect the litigants' right to sue in accordance with the law. Actions brought in conformity with Article 119 of this Law must be accepted. If the conditions for prosecution are met, the case shall be filed within seven days and the parties shall be notified; If the conditions for prosecution are not met, a written order shall be made within seven days and the case shall not be accepted; If the plaintiff is not satisfied with the ruling, he may file an appeal.


    2024-06-19 05:01:43

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