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What is the amount of provident fund loan

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What is the amount of provident fund loan


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  • 2024-06-18 22:00:49

    Personal provident fund loans can be up to 250 times the monthly payment of provident fund.
    1、 Conditions for housing provident fund:
    Individuals and their units must pay housing provident fund continuously for one year or more;
    The borrower has stable economic income, good credit and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan;
    The borrower who purchases commercial housing must have at least 30% of the total housing price.
    2、 Procedures for housing provident fund:
    The lender prepares relevant materials, fills in the loan application at the bank and submits materials;
    After receiving the application, the lending bank shall confirm and review the materials;
    After review, the lending bank contacts the lender to sign relevant contracts;
    When the bank makes a loan, the lender performs the repayment responsibility.
    3、 Materials required for housing provident fund loan:
    The borrower's and his spouse's household register;
    Resident ID cards of the borrower and his/her spouse;
    The borrower's marital status certificate;
    Down payment certificate for house purchase;
    The credit status report of the borrower and his spouse printed by the bank;
    The housing sales contract or agreement in accordance with the law.

    Legal basis: Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund

    Under any of the following circumstances, employees can withdraw the balance of the housing provident fund account:

    1. Those who purchase, build, rebuild or overhaul their own houses;

    2. Retired or retired;

    3. Completely lose the ability to work and terminate the labor relationship with the unit;

    4. Going abroad to settle down;

    5. Repaying the principal and interest of the self occupied housing loan;

    6. Renting a house for self occupancy; (If the employee and his/her spouse have no own house in Beijing and rent public rental housing or commercial housing, they can draw the housing provident fund of both spouses to pay the rent.)

    7. Difficult in living and receiving the urban minimum living security fund;

    8. Encountering emergencies that cause serious difficulties in family life;

    9. Migrant workers who have terminated their labor relationship with the unit;

    10. Sentenced to death, life imprisonment or a term of fixed-term imprisonment reaching the statutory retirement age of the state during the period of serving;

    11. Dead or declared dead;

    If the employee withdraws the housing provident fund in accordance with Article 4 (1, 5, 6, 7, 8) of the Measures, his/her spouse can withdraw the housing provident fund in his/her own account at the same time.


    2024-06-18 22:00:49

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