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Shareholder registration system of the Company Law and its effectiveness

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Shareholder registration system of the Company Law and its effectiveness


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  • 2024-06-19 20:00:01

    The company shall register the names of shareholders with the company registration authority; The shareholders recorded in the register of shareholders may claim to exercise their rights in accordance with the register of shareholders. Where the registered items are changed, the change registration shall be handled. Without registration or registration of change, no one may act against a third party. According to Article 32 of the Company Law, a limited liability company shall prepare a register of shareholders, which shall record the following items:
    (1) Names and domiciles of shareholders;
    (2) Capital contribution of shareholders;
    (3) No. of capital contribution certificate.

    Legal basis:

    Article 32 of the Company Law

    A limited liability company shall prepare a register of shareholders, which shall record the following:
    (1) Names and domiciles of shareholders;
    (2) Capital contribution of shareholders;
    (3) No. of capital contribution certificate.


    2024-06-19 20:00:01

  • company law Relevant knowledge

  • law

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