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The child is not born in person. Can we have children after divorce

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The child is not born in person. Can we have children after divorce


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  • 2024-06-22 03:00:49

    According to the existing laws and regulations, under any of the following circumstances, the husband and the wife can jointly apply to have another child after being approved by the township and sub district population and family planning work agencies or agricultural and forestry farms directly under the county level or above:
    (1) The medical appraisal organization for disabled children determined by the population and family planning administrative department of the people's government of a city divided into districts, an autonomous prefecture or a province has identified that the first child is disabled or the first child is a twin or a multiple child is disabled and cannot grow into a normal labor force, which is medically recognized as reproducible
    (2) Remarried couple, one party has no more than two children before remarriage, and the other party has not had children
    (3) The remarried husband and wife, before remarriage, each of the two parties has a child, and at the time of divorce, the legal judgment or divorce agreement determines that the minor children follow the former spouse, and the new combination family has no children
    (4) Remarried husband and wife, before remarriage, each party has one child, and the new family has only one child, but the child is disabled, cannot grow into a normal labor force, and is medically considered to be able to have another child
    (5) Both husband and wife have never had children before marriage, and after marriage, they have been identified by medical and health institutions at or above the county level as suffering from infertility, and become pregnant after adopting children according to law
    (6) Both husband and wife are only children and have only one child
    (7) The husband and wife have been working underground in the mine and under the sea for more than five consecutive years, and are still engaged in this work with only one child
    (8) Both husband and wife are rural residents who have only one child and are girls
    (9) Both parties are returned overseas Chinese or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents who have settled in the mainland, and only one child has settled in the mainland.


    2024-06-22 03:00:49

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