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How long will it take for a sentence to be pronounced after the hearing of a general civil action?

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How long will it take for a sentence to be pronounced after the hearing of a general civil action?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:47

    How long will it take for a sentence to be pronounced after the hearing of a general civil action? How long will it take to pronounce a sentence after the opening of a court session of a general civil action? According to Article 149 of the Civil Procedure Law, a case that the people's court applies the ordinary procedure shall be concluded within six months from the date of filing. If the extension is necessary under special circumstances, it may be extended for six months with the approval of the president of the court; If the extension is still needed, it shall be reported to the people's court at a higher level for approval. Article 161 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates that a people's court trying a case by applying summary procedure shall conclude the case within three months from the date of filing the case. How long will the court session be held after the civil action appeals against the first judgment again. Article 150 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates that the people's court that originally tried the case shall serve a copy of the appeal petition on the other party within five days after receiving it, and the other party shall submit a defense within 15 days after receiving it. The people's court shall serve a copy of the statement of defense on the appellant within five days after receiving it. The failure of the other party to submit a defence shall not affect the trial of the people's court. Do you understand this explanation?

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