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In principal-agent and appointed agent, the behaviors that cannot be represented are

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In principal-agent and appointed agent, the behaviors that cannot be represented are


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  • 2024-06-16 18:00:49

    The following behaviors cannot be entrusted to others:

    First, civil juristic acts that should be performed by the person in person according to the law cannot be represented. For example, acts of a personal nature, such as marriage, divorce, making a will, adoption of children, etc., shall not be represented by agents.

    Second, if both parties agree that they cannot be represented by others, debts of a personal nature, such as performances and concerts that must be performed by a specific person, cannot be represented by others because they are inseparable from the debtor's ideological level and creative ability.

    Third, illegal acts cannot be represented. Infringement, illegal content, such as illegal infringement of others' personal and property, and private gold trading, are all prohibited by national laws. Of course, they cannot be carried out, and therefore cannot be represented.

    Legal basis

    Article 161 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Scope of Application of Agency] A civil subject may perform civil legal acts through an agent.
    A civil juristic act that should be performed by the person himself in accordance with the law, the agreement of the parties or the nature of the civil juristic act may not be represented.

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