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Can the court hearing record not be signed?

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Can the court hearing record not be signed?


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  • 2024-06-14 10:01:43

    Can the court hearing record not be signed? The court hearing record may not be signed, but it will not affect the legal effect of the court hearing record. The court trial record is the written material that records all the litigation activities of the trial. According to the third paragraph of Article 147 of the Civil Procedure Law, the court record shall be signed or sealed by the parties and other litigation participants. If the party refuses to sign and seal, the clerk shall record the refusal of the party concerned and attach it to the file. The attachment takes effect. The court record does not lose its validity because the party refuses to sign it. In addition, the court now conducts synchronous audio and video recordings when it holds court sessions, which can support the court hearing records. Article 147 of the Civil Procedure Law, the court clerk shall record all court proceedings in a written record, which shall be signed by the judges and the court clerk. The court record shall be read out in court, and the parties and other litigation participants may also be informed to read it in court or within five days. If the parties and other participants in the proceedings consider that there are omissions or errors in their statements, they have the right to apply for corrections. If no correction is made, the application shall be recorded. The court record shall be signed or sealed by the parties and other participants in the proceedings. In case of refusal to sign and seal, record the situation and attach a file.


    2024-06-14 10:01:43

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