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One time disability subsidy for level 10 industrial injury

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One time disability subsidy for level 10 industrial injury


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  • 2024-06-14 10:00:57

    One time disability subsidy for level 10 industrial injury? The one-time disability subsidy for Grade 10 industrial injury is 7 months' salary. If the employee has paid the work-related injury insurance, his/her salary shall be calculated according to the average monthly salary paid 12 months before the work-related injury employee suffers from accident injury or occupational disease due to work. If he/she has not completed 12 months, he/she shall be calculated according to the paid in month. If the industrial injury insurance is not paid, it shall be calculated according to the salary payable (without deduction of five insurances and one fund and individual income tax). However, if the salary of the employee is 300% higher than the average salary of the employee in the overall planning area, the latter shall be used for calculation; If my salary is lower than 60% of the average salary of employees in the overall planning area, the latter shall also be applied. Item 1 of Article 37 of the Regulations on Work related Injury Insurance stipulates that employees who are identified as Grade 7 to Grade 10 disabled due to work-related disability shall enjoy the following benefits: (1) one-time disability subsidies shall be paid from the work related injury insurance fund according to the disability level, with the standard of 13 months' wages for Grade 7 disability, 11 months' wages for Grade 8 disability, and 9 months' wages for Grade 9 disability, Grade 10 disability is 7 months' salary; The second paragraph of Article 64 of the Regulations on Work Injury Insurance stipulates that the salary of the injured employee referred to in these Regulations refers to the average monthly payment salary of the injured employee 12 months before the accident or occupational disease. If his salary is 300% higher than the average salary of employees in the overall planning area, it shall be calculated as 300% of the average salary of employees in the overall planning area; If his salary is lower than 60% of the average salary of the employees in the overall planning area, it shall be calculated as 60% of the average salary of the employees in the overall planning area. If an employee is identified as Grade I to Grade IV disabled due to work-related disability, he/she shall retain the labor relationship, quit his/her job, and enjoy a one-time disability subsidy. The standard is: Grade I disability is 27 months' salary; Grade II disability is 25 months' salary; Grade III disability is my salary of 23 months; Grade IV disability is my salary of 21 months; If the employee is identified as Grade 5 to Grade 6, the labor relationship with the employer shall be maintained. The employer shall arrange appropriate work and enjoy one-time disability subsidies. The standard of treatment is: Grade 5 disability is 18 months' salary; Grade 6 disability is 16 months' salary. If the employee is identified as Grade 7 to 10 disability due to work, The standard of one-time disability subsidy is: 13 months' salary for Grade VII disability; Grade VIII disability is 11 months' salary; Grade 9 disability is 9 months' salary; Grade 10 disability is my salary of 7 months.

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