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How to solve the problem that the prison architect's cell is not closed?

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How to solve the problem that the prison architect's cell is not closed?


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  • 2024-06-13 17:02:25

    How to solve the problem that the prison architect's cell is not closed? How can prison architects solve the problem of filling the tunnel with the function of "removing the tunnel" without closing the cell. The cell is different from the bunk of the detention cell. The cell is a high-level single room that can meet the privacy needs of prisoners - so 100 beds in one area can only accommodate one prisoner. Different rooms perform different functions and have different requirements. Hover over the room type icon to view room requirements. After the room is established, if the room does not meet the requirements, a warning sign will be displayed. Hover over it to view the requirements that need to be met in order to perform functions. Do you understand this explanation?

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