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What should I do if I am sealed by the fire brigade of the Public Security Bureau?

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What should I do if I am sealed by the fire brigade of the Public Security Bureau?


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  • 2024-06-14 17:00:00

    What should I do if I am sealed by the fire brigade of the Public Security Bureau?
    Find the police of the segment and do a good job of all fire hazards. You can wait for unsealing. According to the provisions of Article 25 of the Fire Control Law: 1. After the fire hazard is eliminated, the party concerned shall apply to the fire control institution of the public security organ that made the decision on temporary sealing up to remove the temporary sealing up. 2、 The fire control institution of the public security organ shall carry out inspection within three working days from the date of receiving the application, and make a decision on whether to agree to release the temporary seal up within three working days from the date of self inspection, and deliver it to the party concerned. If the inspection confirms that the potential fire hazard has been eliminated, a decision shall be made to lift the temporary seal up. According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Fire Prevention Law, the fire prevention institution of the public security organ shall notify the relevant units or individuals to take immediate measures to eliminate the potential fire hazards found in the fire prevention supervision and inspection; In case of any of the following circumstances, the dangerous parts or places shall be temporarily sealed up if they do not eliminate in time the situation that may seriously threaten public security: 1. The number of evacuation passages and emergency exits is insufficient or seriously blocked, and the conditions for safe evacuation are no longer available; 2、 The building's fire-fighting facilities are seriously damaged and no longer have the function of fire prevention and extinguishing; 3、 Using and storing inflammable and explosive dangerous goods in crowded places in violation of fire safety regulations; 4、 The public gathering place violates the technical standards for fire control and uses flammable and combustible materials for decoration, which may cause heavy casualties; 5、 Other fire hazards that may seriously threaten public security.


    2024-06-14 17:00:00

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