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Enterprise income tax rate of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises

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Enterprise income tax rate of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises


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  • 2024-06-14 13:01:03

    The enterprise income tax rate of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises is 20%. The Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China: Article 28: For qualified small low profit enterprises, the enterprise income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 20%. For high-tech enterprises that need to be supported by the state, the enterprise income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 15%. Article 9: The public welfare donation expenses incurred by an enterprise, which are within 12% of the total annual profits, are allowed to be deducted when calculating the taxable income. Article 10 When calculating the amount of taxable income, the following expenditures shall not be deducted: (1) Dividends, bonuses and other equity investment income paid to investors; (2) Enterprise income tax; (3) Tax late fees; (4) Losses of fines, fines and confiscated property; (5) Donation expenses other than those specified in Article 9 of this Law; (6) Sponsorship expenditure; (7) Unapproved reserve expenditure; (8) Other expenditures not related to income. What are the regulations on enterprise income tax? According to the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China: Article 54 Enterprise income tax shall be paid in advance monthly or quarterly. An enterprise shall, within 15 days from the end of a month or quarter, submit to the tax authority a tax return for advance payment of enterprise income tax and advance payment of tax. An enterprise shall, within five months from the date of the end of the year, submit an annual enterprise income tax return to the tax authority, make final settlement, and settle the payable and refundable taxes. When an enterprise submits an enterprise income tax return, it shall attach financial and accounting reports and other relevant materials in accordance with regulations. An enterprise shall declare its liquidation income to the tax authority and pay enterprise income tax according to law before going through the cancellation of registration. The above is the legal knowledge about the enterprise income tax rate of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises. Have you learned it?

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