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What are the conditions for adopting children? How to handle the orphan adoption procedures

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What are the conditions for adopting children? How to handle the orphan adoption procedures


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  • 2024-06-27 10:01:51

    Adoption can be established only when certain conditions and procedures are met. Once the adoption relationship is established, the relationship between the adopted child and the adoptive parents is basically the same as that between the biological parents. Be protected by law.
    1、 Conditions for the adopter
    1. The adopter shall have a harmonious family, stable work, good moral character, and all family members have a good desire to adopt children.
    2. Both husband and wife must be at least 30 years old.
    3. The family's annual income is more than 50000 yuan, and the living area is more than 80 square meters. Major family members have high school education or above, and have no criminal record.
    4. Not suffering from any disease that is medically considered inappropriate for adoption. (Mainly referring to mental diseases and infectious diseases) Mental disorders include schizophrenia, depression and other mental disorders. Infectious diseases include Class A infectious diseases such as plague and cholera, viral hepatitis, bacterial and amebic diseases, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, poliomyelitis, measles, diphtheria, epidemic meningitis, scarlet fever, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, rabies and other Class B infectious diseases, tuberculosis, leprosy Epidemic mumps and other Class C infectious diseases.
    2、 Certificates and supporting materials to be provided by the adopter
    1. Application for adoption;
    2. The adopter's resident identity card, household register and copies thereof;
    3. A certificate issued by the adopter's unit or villagers' committee or residents' committee certifying the ideological quality, work performance, economic income, housing conditions, marital status, marital relationship, children's situation, and whether the adopter is able to support them;
    4. Provide the birth registration issued by the family planning department of the residence, including previous marriage and childbearing;
    5. A physical health certificate issued by a hospital at or above the county level designated by the adoption registration authority that does not suffer from a disease that is medically considered unfit for adoption shall be accompanied by five test receipts for hepatitis B;
    6. Bank deposit certificate and certificate of no criminal record issued by the public security department;
    7. Two copies of announcements published in newspapers at or above the municipal level;
    3、 Handling procedures
    1. The adopter shall present the resident identity card, household register and marriage certificate to the foster care and placement office of Qingdao Children's Welfare Home to apply for adoption and fill in the adoption application form.
    2. The personnel of the foster care and placement office have a preliminary understanding of the situation of the adopter, and decide whether to approve the application of the adopter according to the situation of the children in the hospital. For those who agree with the application, the adopter shall provide relevant documents such as the unit certificate and physical examination certificate as required.
    3. The personnel of the foster care and placement office shall review the materials provided by the adopter, fill in the Approval Form for Placement of Abandoned Infants in Qingdao Children's Welfare Home, put forward preliminary opinions, and submit them to the head of the hospital for review.
    4. After examination and approval, the Child Welfare Home will submit the approval form, relevant certificates provided by the adopter and files of adopted children to the Social Welfare Department of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau for approval.
    5. The child welfare home shall go through the adoption announcement at the adoption registration office of the local civil affairs bureau on the strength of the approval form and the original supporting documents provided by the person placing out the child for adoption.
    6. After the announcement expires, the adopter and the children's welfare home negotiate and sign an adoption agreement on adoption, donation and other issues.
    7. The adopter shall go through relevant procedures at the adoption registration office of the District Civil Affairs Bureau with relevant approval materials and announcements.

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