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How to deal with a lawsuit for goods owed to suppliers

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How to deal with a lawsuit for goods owed to suppliers


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  • 2024-06-14 19:02:27

    If the failure to pay the payment for goods as agreed in the contract constitutes a breach of contract, the other party may investigate its liability for breach of contract. If the other party has filed a lawsuit, it may apply for preservation, sealing up or freezing at the same time; It is suggested to pay in time to bear the liability for breach of contract and require the other party to withdraw the lawsuit; Otherwise, you may have to pay the lost litigation costs. If the court still fails to perform after the judgment, the other party may apply to the court for compulsory execution.
    According to relevant laws and regulations, the parties must perform the legally effective civil judgments and rulings. If one party refuses to perform, the other party may apply to the people's court for enforcement, or the judge may transfer the case to the enforcement officer for enforcement. The parties must implement the mediation statement and other legal documents that should be executed by the people's court. If one party refuses to perform, the other party may apply to the people's court for enforcement.
    What materials are needed to prosecute arrears of wages?
    When employees sue the company for salary arrears, they need to prepare the following materials:
    1. Complaint.
    2. Materials proving the subject qualification of the parties.
    If the party concerned is a natural person, he/she shall submit his/her identity certificate, such as a copy of his/her ID card or household register.
    If the party concerned is a legal person or other organization, it shall submit the registration materials of the subject, such as the copy of the industrial and commercial business license, or the industrial and commercial registration materials or the registration certificate of the association legal person within the past three months, and also submit the identity certificate of the legal representative or the certificate of the main person in charge.
    3. If the plaintiff is entrusted to bring a lawsuit, the power of attorney of the plaintiff shall be submitted.
    If a citizen acts as an agent, the photocopy of his/her ID card shall be submitted at the same time; Where a lawyer acts as an agent, the official letter of the law firm and the photocopy of the lawyer's practice certificate shall be submitted at the same time.
    4. Materials proving the existence of legal relationship or factual legal relationship of labor contract, such as labor contract, payroll, etc.
    5. The labor dispute arbitration award, receipt of service, notice of rejection and other materials proving that the labor legal relationship has been handled in advance by the labor dispute arbitration committee.
    6. Other materials related to the claim.
    In addition, in practice, whether you want to apply for labor arbitration or go to the court to sue the other party for timely payment of wages, you must provide corresponding evidence. Therefore, if the amount of wages involved is large and it is difficult to collect evidence on your own, it is suggested that you can find a professional lawyer to intervene when necessary.
    To sum up, failure to pay the purchase price as agreed in the contract constitutes a breach of contract, and the other party may pursue its liability for breach of contract. If the other party has filed a lawsuit, it may apply for preservation, sealing up or freezing at the same time; It is suggested to pay in time to bear the liability for breach of contract and require the other party to withdraw the lawsuit; Otherwise, you may have to pay the lost litigation costs. If the court still fails to perform after the judgment, the other party may apply to the court for compulsory execution. Do you understand?
    Article 236 of the Civil Procedure Law, the parties must comply with legally effective civil judgments and orders. If one party refuses to perform, the other party may apply to the people's court for enforcement, or the judge may transfer the case to the enforcement officer for enforcement. The parties must implement the mediation statement and other legal documents that should be executed by the people's court. If one party refuses to perform, the other party may apply to the people's court for enforcement.

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