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With rural household registration, can each son and daughter in the family be married? Both parents are alive

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With rural household registration, can each son and daughter in the family be married? Both parents are alive


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  • 2024-06-21 14:01:43

    Household separation generally means that children become independent from their parents' household after they grow up or become a family.
    1、 Application conditions
    1. The standard of household separation for citizens is that although one family lives in the same place, they are economically independent, live separately, and can set up separate households.
    2. The condition of household separation is that the actual housing has more than two natural rooms and lives alone. The household division of the unit building is only limited to the divorce household, and the household division of the tube building is handled as the bungalow household. Illegal buildings such as self built houses shall not be divided into different households.
    2、 Required conditions
    1. House property right certificate
    2. Household register of the head of household and the applicant
    3. Resident identity cards of the head of household and the applicant
    3、 Household program
    1. Separate public housing:
    The party concerned shall apply to the local police station where the current household registration is registered with the written application for household separation, marriage certificate, house lease contract, written materials of the house lessee agreeing to household separation and other certificates. After the field police investigate and verify the approval of the head of the local police station, the party concerned shall go through the household separation procedures.
    2. Private houses:
    The party concerned shall apply to the local police station where the current household registration is registered with the written application, the court judgment or the letter of justice, as well as documents such as the private house deed (the certificate of approval of the village committee is required for household separation in rural areas). After the field police investigate and verify the approval of the head of the police station, the party concerned shall go through the household separation procedures.

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