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How to transfer the collective household registration to your own house?

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How to transfer the collective household registration to your own house?


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:48

    The way to transfer the collective household registration to your own house: 1. Hold the property ownership certificate to apply for moving in at the local police station or population service management center where the house is located. 2. After the above registered permanent residence police station agrees, it will give a permit to move out, and take this permit to the local police station where the registered permanent residence is located (where the collective registered permanent residence is attached) to apply for moving out. 3. The local police station where the household registration is located shall issue a move in form. 4. Then go to the police station where the house is located to handle the immigration formalities with the immigration form. If the local police station does not agree to move in, it cannot move in. Then let's extend this question: if the household registration is local, and the property is my own, and it belongs to the local migration of household registration, you only need to take my ID card, property card, and the original of the collective household's own page to the local police station's household registration management department where the property is located to handle it. If the house property is not owned by the owner, the owner's consent certificate and the original of his/her ID card, house property card, and the collective owner's own page should be sent to the household registration management department of the local police station where the house property is located. According to Article 10 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration, if a citizen moves out of the jurisdiction area of his/her household registration, he/she or the head of the household shall apply to the household registration authority for registration of moving out before moving out, obtain the removal certificate and cancel his/her household registration. If a citizen moves from the countryside to the city, he or she must apply to the permanent residence registration authority for going through the formalities of moving out with the employment certificate issued by the urban labor department, the admission certificate issued by the school, or the certificate issued by the urban household registration authority for permission to move in. Citizens moving to border defense areas must be approved by the public security organ of the county, city or municipal district where they reside. According to Article 13 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration, when a citizen moves, within three days in urban areas and ten days in rural areas, he or she or his household shall preside over the transfer certificate to apply to the household registration authority for registration of moving in and hand in the transfer certificate for cancellation from the time he or she arrives at the place of moving in. Citizens who do not have migration certificates shall present the following certificates to the residence registration organ at the place where they moved in to apply for immigration registration: demobilized, transferred or demobilized servicemen shall present certificates issued by the military service organ at the county or city level or by the military organ at or above the regiment level. Overseas Chinese and overseas students returning from abroad shall present their passports or entry certificates of the People's Republic of China; A person released by a people's court, people's procuratorate or public security organ shall present a certificate issued by the releasing organ.


    2024-06-14 12:00:48

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