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What are the other methods of debt collection besides litigation

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What are the other methods of debt collection besides litigation


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  • 2024-06-02 01:00:53

    In addition to litigation, the methods of debt collection are as follows:

    (1) You should exercise your creditor's rights in a timely manner, check the progress of debt repayment in a timely manner, and send a written letter of demand in a timely manner if you are too late.

    (2) For units and individuals with difficulty in collecting creditor's rights, they should consult more to form a written debt mediation agreement in a timely manner. Because the written mediation agreement reached according to the new People's Mediation Law is generally recognized as a written civil contract, which is binding on both parties.

    (3) Timely apply to the court for judicial confirmation of the written mediation agreement.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 675 of the Civil Code, the borrower shall repay the loan within the agreed time limit. If the term of the loan was not agreed or clearly agreed, and cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 of this Law, the borrower may repay the loan at any time; The lender may urge the borrower to return within a reasonable period.

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