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How to remarry after losing the divorce certificate

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How to remarry after losing the divorce certificate


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  • 2024-06-23 21:00:01

    After the divorce grade certificate is issued. After going through the formalities of remarriage registration, the original divorce certificate shall be revoked and issued to the remarriage registration certificate, which can have legal effect. After divorce, if both men and women wish to resume their husband and wife relationship, they should go to the marriage registration authority to register for remarriage. Both parties must go to the marriage registration authority in the place where one party's household registration is located to apply for remarriage in person, and must also issue a divorce certificate or court judgment (or mediation statement). After examination, if the legal conditions are met, the marriage registration authority will issue a Marriage Certificate and withdraw the Divorce Certificate Or divorce legal documents. In this way, the legal relationship between husband and wife will be restored and protected by law. However, if the two parties live together in private without re marriage registration, they cannot obtain the legal status of husband and wife, nor can they be protected by law. After divorce, the husband and wife want to remarry. If the divorce certificate is lost, how to handle the remarriage procedures. The first recipient and the first recipient go to the local civil affairs bureau to go through the marriage registration procedures, then go through the divorce registration procedures, and go through the remarriage registration certificate with the divorce collection procedures. In the above series of processes, one party's reneging or property disputes will also be involved, or the child custody right will be revoked. What procedures are needed for remarriage? The procedure for remarriage registration is the same as that for marriage registration. When going through the registration of remarriage, the party concerned should first prepare the household registration certificate, resident identity card or military identity certificate, marriage status certificate issued by the unit and village (neighborhood) committee or political organ above the regiment level, and divorce certificate if divorced; Then both parties need to apply for remarriage registration in person at the marriage registration office where their household registration is located; After the marriage registration authority has examined and approved the evidentiary materials and applications provided by the parties, it shall go through the procedures of marriage registration, indicate the words "resume marriage" on the Application for Marriage Registration and the marriage certificate, and withdraw the divorce certificate at the same time.
    1. Application. Both men and women who require marriage registration shall present the required certificates to the marriage registration office of the district or county level municipal civil affairs bureau (or town people's government) where one party has permanent residence.
    2. Fill in the declaration form. Both parties shall apply to the marriage registration authority in person, and each party shall fill out a Declaration of Application for Re marriage Registration.
    3. Signature. Both parties must sign or fingerprint in person in the "Declarer" column of the Declaration of Application for Re marriage Registration in front of the marriage registrar.
    4. Review registration. The marriage registration authority shall examine the certificates and statements submitted by both parties and approve the registration if the conditions for remarriage registration are met. After hearing the formalities of remarriage registration, the original divorce certificate or court judgment (or mediation statement) shall be revoked, and the remarriage registration certificate shall be issued to take legal effect.
    5. Re marriage registration certificate. After going through the formalities of remarriage registration, the original divorce certificate or court judgment (or mediation statement) shall be revoked and the remarriage registration certificate shall be issued to take legal effect.

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