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Whether the social security deduction is made in the current month or the next month

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Whether the social security deduction is made in the current month or the next month


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  • 2024-06-14 15:00:55

    Is the social security deduction the same month or the next month? The social security deduction is made in the current month. For the social insurance purchased for employees in May, the salary of May should be deducted according to regulations. The relevant legal basis of the lawyer's sorting is Article 60 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, which states that the employer shall declare on its own and pay the social insurance premiums in full and on time, and shall not postpone or remit the payment of social insurance premiums except for legal reasons such as force majeure. The social insurance premiums payable by the employees shall be withheld and paid by the employer, and the employer shall inform the details of the payment of social insurance premiums on a monthly basis. In addition, Article 58 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration for its employees within 30 days from the date of employment. If social insurance registration is not handled, the social insurance agency shall verify the social insurance premiums that should be paid. Individual businesses without employees who voluntarily participate in social insurance, part-time employees who do not participate in social insurance in the employing unit and other flexible employees shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration. The State shall establish a national unified personal social security number. The personal social security number is the citizen identity number. After the unit that pays social insurance premiums in full and on time completes the declaration of social insurance premiums, it shall pay social insurance premiums in full and on time to the social insurance premium collection institution in accordance with the amount of social insurance premiums that should be paid approved by the social insurance agency, that is, the employer shall pay social insurance premiums within 3 days after the amount of social insurance premiums is approved to be paid. The social insurance premiums payable by employees shall be withheld and remitted by the employer, and the employees themselves need not pay the social insurance premiums in person at the social insurance premium collection institution. However, individual employees have the right to know about the payment of social insurance premiums. The Social Insurance Law clearly requires employers to inform themselves of the details of social insurance premiums paid on a monthly basis, that is, employees have the right to know the payment base and rate of various social insurance premiums, and the amount of various social insurance premiums paid each month. In fact, the Social Insurance Law also stipulates that social insurance collection agencies should inform employees who participate in social insurance of their payment of social insurance premiums.


    2024-06-14 15:00:55

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