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What procedures need to be handled to get unemployment benefits in the street?

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What procedures need to be handled to get unemployment benefits in the street?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:01

    What procedures need to be handled to get unemployment benefits in the street?
    What procedures need to be handled to get unemployment benefits in the street? The procedures to be handled for receiving unemployment compensation: 1. The employer shall issue a certificate of termination or dissolution of labor relations for the unemployed in a timely manner, and handle the procedures for reducing the number of social insurance participants for the unemployed; 2. The employer shall submit the list of unemployed persons and other materials to the unemployment insurance agency for filing within 7 days from the date of handling the procedures for reducing the number of social insurance participants; 3. The employer or the unemployed shall go through the formalities for applying for unemployment insurance compensation with relevant materials within 60 days from the date of reduction of the number of social insurance participants; 4. If the unemployment insurance agency meets the conditions after review, it shall inform the handler of relevant matters and include them into the distribution plan of the next month. If the audit does not meet the conditions, explain the specific reasons; 5. Unemployed personnel shall go through "job registration", "training registration" and "unemployment registration" with the "Notice on the Verification and Issuance of Unemployment Insurance Benefits", and sign for the application on a monthly basis from the next month. Unemployment insurance benefits of successful applicants shall be paid to the account before the end of the month in which they sign for the application. If they fail to sign for two consecutive months, they will be automatically given up. 1. Personal identity certificate; 2. The certificate issued by the employer to terminate or dissolve the labor contract; 3. Copy of the Labor Contract or relevant materials that can prove the labor relationship; 4. Individual bank account number issued by the unemployed at the bank designated by the unemployment insurance agency. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 07:01:01

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