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Do you need any procedures to build a house on the old house base?

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Do you need any procedures to build a house on the old house base?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:45

    Do you need any procedures to build a house on the old house base?
    Do you need any procedures to build a house on the old house base? Your question should say: 1. To build two more houses in the vacant space of the old house base, you need to go through the relevant procedures; 2. Private old residential land, which belongs to collective land, should be applied to the local villagers' committee. After approval, they should go to the township (town) land management office and the housing management office to fill in the form and submit it for approval; About a week later, the approval will come down. 3. If the reply is not received after a week, they will ask you to fill in the relevant formalities at the place where the form is submitted. For example, if you apply for production room, they will ask you to explain the production project. 4. It is suggested that you use the excuse of applying for production housing, which will simplify the procedures and save some expenses, because the government encourages investment in production project construction; 5. It doesn't matter if they drive away your farm vehicle. You will return it to you after you go through the formalities. Don't worry. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 07:01:45

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