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How to apply for marriage registration for unmarried cohabitation

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How to apply for marriage registration for unmarried cohabitation


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  • 2024-06-26 12:01:41

    Article 8 of the amended Marriage Law, which was promulgated and implemented on April 28, 2001, stipulates that "both men and women who are required to get married must go to the marriage registration office to register their marriage in person. If they meet the provisions of this Law, they shall be registered, issued a marriage certificate, and obtained a marriage certificate, that is, the relationship between husband and wife shall be established. If no marriage registration has been handled, it shall be re registered." "It shall be re registered.", It is proposed by the revised Marriage Law, which is mainly aimed at men and women who meet the conditions for marriage and live together in the name of husband and wife without registration. It is a supplementary article to guide them to correctly understand the marriage relationship and the legal status of the parties to the marriage relationship in the marriage relationship. This kind of problem should be dealt with realistically according to different situations, The Supreme People's Court's Interpretation No. 30 of December 24, 2001 stipulates that:
    1. If the marriage registration is reissued, the effectiveness of the marriage relationship shall be calculated from the time when both parties meet the substantive requirements of marriage as stipulated in the Marriage Law;
    2. Before the promulgation and implementation of the Marriage Registration Administration Ordinance of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on February 1, 1994, if both men and women have met the substantive requirements of marriage but have not registered, they shall be treated as de facto marriages; After the promulgation and implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Marriage Registration issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on February 1, 1994, if both men and women meet the substantive requirements of marriage, the people's court should notify them to make up the marriage registration. If they do not make up the marriage registration, they will be treated as having dissolved the cohabitation relationship; The re registration of marriage standardizes the de facto marriage and cohabitation recognized by law that both men and women meet the substantive requirements of marriage. For the de facto marriage left over in history, as long as it meets the de facto marriage requirements of the relevant judicial interpretation of the Supreme People's Court, it is still regarded as de facto marriage, and for the de facto marriage that does not meet the de facto marriage requirements, it is regarded as cohabitation.


    2024-06-26 12:01:41

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