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Detailed Statement of Compensation for Class 10 Work related Injury and Disability

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Detailed Statement of Compensation for Class 10 Work related Injury and Disability


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  • 2024-06-16 03:01:39

    How to compensate for industrial injury of Grade 10. From the industrial injury insurance fund, a one-time disability subsidy shall be paid to the employee for seven months according to the level of disability. If the labor or employment contract expires or the employee himself proposes to terminate the labor or employment contract, the one-time medical subsidy for work-related injury shall be paid by the work-related injury insurance fund, and the one-time employment subsidy for disability shall be paid by the employer. The specific standards for one-time medical subsidies for work-related injuries and one-time employment subsidies for disabled persons shall be formulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

    Legal basis

    Article 37 of the Regulations on Work related Injury Insurance, if an employee is identified as a Grade 7 to Grade 10 disability due to work-related disability, he or she shall enjoy the following benefits:
    (1) A one-time disability subsidy will be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund according to the level of disability. The standard is: Level 7 disability is my salary for 13 months, Level 8 disability is my salary for 11 months, Level 9 disability is my salary for 9 months, and Level 10 disability is my salary for 7 months;
    (2) If the labor or employment contract expires or the employee himself proposes to terminate the labor or employment contract, the one-time medical subsidy for work-related injury shall be paid by the work-related injury insurance fund, and the one-time employment subsidy for disability shall be paid by the employer. The specific standards for one-time medical subsidies for work-related injuries and one-time employment subsidies for disabled persons shall be formulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

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