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Are you legally responsible for purchasing pirated copies?

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Are you legally responsible for purchasing pirated copies?


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  • 2024-06-14 04:01:44

    Are you legally responsible for purchasing pirated copies?
    Are you legally responsible for purchasing pirated copies? Piracy is not an illegal act, because it does not have to bear legal responsibility. However, this behavior is illegal and immoral, which violates the main ethical principles of society: the principles of justice and humanity. The subject of purchasing piracy should bear moral responsibility, and be condemned by public opinion and self conscience. The basic concept of piracy Piracy (also known as "pirate") refers to the act of copying and redistributing its works and publications without the consent of the copyright owner, as well as the infringing products made by this act. In Japanese, it is called "Pirate Edition" (Pirate Edition). In many countries and regions, such acts are defined as violations of intellectual property rights, or even criminal acts, and will be punished by the host country. Pirated publications usually include pirated books, pirated software and pirated audio-visual works. Do you understand this explanation?

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