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If the prisoner is not allowed to see his family in the detention center before being sentenced, can he send clothes?

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If the prisoner is not allowed to see his family in the detention center before being sentenced, can he send clothes?


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  • 2024-06-14 10:00:57

    If the prisoner is not allowed to see his family in the detention center before being sentenced, can he send clothes? Clothes and bedding are generally provided by the suspect. Therefore, you can send some clothes and daily necessities (which must be checked by the guards). According to Article 24 of the Regulations on Detention Centers, criminals should bring their own clothes and bedding. If it is really impossible to provide for itself, it shall be provided by the detention center. Article 28 When an offender is in custody, with the consent of the case handling organ and the approval of the public security organ, he may communicate and meet with his close relatives. Article 30 Articles given to prisoners by their near relatives must be inspected by guards. Article 31 A detention house may, upon the entrustment of the case handling organ, inspect the letters sent and received by prisoners. If it is found that the investigation, prosecution or trial is hindered, it may be detained and transferred to the case handling organ for handling.

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