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How to distinguish between buying a house before marriage and buying a house after marriage

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How to distinguish between buying a house before marriage and buying a house after marriage


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  • 2024-06-27 06:00:04

    The husband and wife were the same birds in the forest. When the house came, they flew separately. Today, more than 80% of the marital property disputes involved in real estate, and some even filed a lawsuit. They broke up in discord. Now it is expensive to buy a house, and the house is the most valuable commodity in ordinary families. Now that marriage has ceased to exist, the fight for the final marital property will not hesitate to turn against each other, What's the difference between buying a house before marriage and buying a house after marriage? For this reason, the editor sorted out the following five situations


    2024-06-27 06:00:04

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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