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Which department manages the school bus?

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Which department manages the school bus?


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  • 2024-06-14 03:00:03

    Which department manages the school bus? The education bureau and the Ministry of Transport of the public security organ shall manage the school bus. In theory, the school bus is under the management of the Education Bureau. If it is a school purchase, the funding and daily management are under the management of the Education Bureau; If it is outsourcing, the transportation bureau also takes charge. The School Bus Safety Management Regulations are formulated to strengthen school bus safety management and ensure the personal safety of students taking school buses. Adopted at the 197th executive meeting of the State Council on March 28, 2012. Issued and implemented by the State Council on April 5, 2012. The draft of the regulations solicited public comments, which had a strong response. It was generally believed that it was necessary to formulate school bus safety regulations and bring school bus safety management into the legal track, reflecting the high concern of the Party and the government for the personal safety of minors. At the same time, the public put forward many specific opinions and suggestions on school bus safety management and related issues. The drafting department sorts out and summarizes the public opinions, and truthfully publishes them to the public through the media. Many opinions differ from each other and have certain reasons, which helps us to study and consider issues related to school bus safety management more comprehensively from the reality and from the unity of necessity and feasibility. The drafting department carefully studied the public's opinions one by one, and made several major amendments to the draft for comments. It mainly includes: adding regulations. For rural areas where it is really difficult to guarantee nearby enrollment and public transportation can not meet the needs of students to go to and from school, local governments at or above the county level should take measures to ensure that students receiving compulsory education receive school bus services. In view of the fact that some places ignore the reasonable demands of students' parents and improperly withdraw points and merge schools, a provision is added: schools implementing compulsory education and the setting and adjustment of teaching points should fully listen to the views of students' parents and other relevant parties. According to the opinion of the public that the school bus safety technical status should be guaranteed and the school bus driver should continue to meet the relevant requirements, it is added that the school bus should be subject to a safety technical inspection every six months, and the school bus driver should accept the provisions of the public security traffic control department for inspection every year; According to the opinions of some localities and the public, the provision that the provincial government should formulate the measures for the implementation of these Regulations in combination with the local actual situation has been added. In addition, according to the public's comments, the scope of school bus service providers, the assignment of school bus attendant, the safety technical equipment that the school bus should be equipped with, and the implementation transition period for the use of special school buses in the draft were also modified accordingly. Do you understand this explanation?

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