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How does the law of our country stipulate the use standard of fluorescent agent?

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How does the law of our country stipulate the use standard of fluorescent agent?


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  • 2024-06-14 15:00:55

    The national law does not clearly stipulate the use standard of fluorescent agent. As an additive or dye, the amount of fluorescent agent added to different products is different. Fluorescent is a kind of fluorescent dye, or white dye, which is also a complex organic compound. Its characteristic is that it can excite the incident light to produce fluorescence, so that the dyed material can obtain a sparkling effect similar to fluorspar, so that the material seen by the naked eye is very white, achieving the whitening effect. Its function is to transform the invisible ultraviolet radiation absorbed by the product into violet blue fluorescent radiation, which complements the original yellow light radiation into white light, and improve the whiteness of the product in sunlight. The main reason for people's perception of fluorescent brighteners is that some fluorescent brighteners can cause cancer. We can't think that all fluorescent brighteners are bad just because some poor manufacturers use low-quality fluorescent brighteners. Qualified manufacturers pass the test and all of them are good and harmless to human body, so we can use them safely. The fluorescent agent should be correctly understood. (1) It is non irritating to the skin. Animal and human tests for many years have shown that even if the skin directly contacts the pure fluorescent whitening agent CBS, it is non irritating to the skin and will not cause skin allergy. In the book Fluorescent Brighteners written by Professor Shen Yongjia and others, it is pointed out that fluorescent brighteners will not be absorbed by the skin. Even though a small amount of fluorescent whitening agent CBS may adhere to the skin during use, it will not react with human skin, and it is easy to be completely washed off through daily washing activities (such as hand washing, bathing, etc.), and will not be absorbed through the skin. (2) No adverse effect on wound healing The article Toxicological Properties of Fluorescent Whitening Agents, published in the German Journal of Dermatology in 1994, pointed out that even if the wound is directly contacted with textile materials containing fluorescent whitening agents, it will not have adverse effects on wound healing and will not cause pathological changes to human skin. (3) Metabolism: The fluorescent whitening agent CBS is water-soluble and can be completely discharged from the body quickly through normal metabolism. It is pointed out in the book 'EnvironmentalQualityandSafety' SupplementVolumeIV 'FluorescentWhiteningAgents', the fourth volume of the supplement to Environmental Quality and Safety published by GeorgThieme Press in Germany that, through the study of mouse metabolism, After a large dose of fluorescent whitening agent CBS is fed to the detergent, most of the whitening agent will be quickly discharged through the intestinal tract and will not be absorbed by the intestinal tract. There is no residual fluorescent whitening agent in its blood, liver, kidney, brain, muscle and fat, that is, it will not cause accumulation in the body. Therefore, even if a small amount of fluorescent whitening agent CBS enters the human body in daily life, it will be quickly discharged from the body through the normal metabolic process. (4) Fluorescent whitening agent CBS has no teratogenicity and carcinogenicity. Through the acute toxicity study on various animals and the chronic toxicological experiment on mice for two years, it has been proved that CBS is a non-toxic substance, without teratogenicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity.

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