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What kind of rural hukou is it when you go to college and move to school and then move back after graduation?

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What kind of rural hukou is it when you go to college and move to school and then move back after graduation?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:57

    What kind of rural hukou is it when you go to college and move to school and then move back after graduation? What is the rural hukou that goes to college and moves back to school after graduation? The rural hukou that goes to college and moves back to school after graduation is a resident hukou. On July 30, 2014, the State Council officially issued the Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System, which has abolished the distinction between agricultural and non-agricultural household registration, and unified the national household registration as a household registration. Article 9 of the Opinions proposes to establish a unified urban and rural household registration system. Cancel the distinction between agricultural and non-agricultural hukou and the resulting blue print hukou and other hukou types, and uniformly register them as resident hukou, reflecting the population registration management function of the household registration system. Establish education, health and family planning, employment, social security, housing, land and demographic systems that are compatible with the unified urban and rural household registration system. This means that the urban-rural dual household registration system, which distinguishes the nature of household registration by "agriculture" and "non-agriculture", will become history, and the resulting blue print household registration and other household types will also die out. In the future, the household registration of every Chinese citizen will be registered as a household registration. Do you understand this explanation?

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